Effleurage Massage

Effleurage is part of what is known as Swedish massage.
Effleurage is a slow gentle rhythmic movement of the whole hand and is usually applied in an upward direction, using a firm sliding movement.
Moving up the back, hands side by side with thumbs passing over the spine.
The hands then part sideways over the shoulders and move gently down the sides of the back.
Performed in a continuous movement, repeat without losing contact.


Calming Oil

0 out of 5

Uniquely beautiful aroma creating balance and calm.
Contains: Rosewood and Geranium

Rejuvenation Oil

0 out of 5

Highly susceptible to outside influences, such as air pollution & overexposure to the sun, plus the high-stress level of modern life, our skin visibly ages on a daily basis.
The choice of essential oils in this fragrant blend has a pronounced capacity to promote the elimination of dead cells & the regeneration of new healthy ones.
Coupled with the relaxing, de-stressing effect of massage, the skin takes on a more youthful & healthier glow.
Mind & Body Rejuvenated!
Contains: Camomile, Patchouli and Rosewood

Restful Sleep Oil

5.00 out of 5

Helps to ensure a relaxed and peaceful rest.
Contains: Basil, Neroli & Verbena

Tranquility Oil

0 out of 5

Including feelings of peace and harmony, relaxing the body and mind with its soft calming gentle sweet aroma.
Contains: Camomile, Lavender and Rose

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